
Highline High School
225 South 152nd Street Burien, WA 98148

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Highline High School
225 South 152nd Street Burien, WA 98148

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Booster Club

The Highline High School Booster Club supports HHS students by funding items and enhancements to the school's activities, athletics, clubs and more. Join us!

Annual Membership

Cost: $25

Join Booster club

Pirate Feast Fundraiser

Our annual Pirate Feast Fundraiser is Friday, May 19, 2023, from 6:30 to 10:00 p.m. at the Burien Community Center: dinner, drinks, games and fun! This is our main fundraiser each year in support of school athletics and clubs.

Early bird tickets: $35 general/$30 staff

Buy tickets

Let us know if you would like to volunteer for the event or donate raffle items:

Pirate Gear

Show your Pirate pride by purchasing a hoodie. Pirate hoodies are purple and come in men's and women's sizes. They are $25 each. Order your hoodie online!

Amazon Smile

If you shop on Amazon you can help us raise funds by choosing Highline High School Booster Club as your charity. 


Board Members

Co-president Jill Mudge
Co-president Katherine Hansen
Vice President Mindy Hart
Treasurer Berta Keller
Secretary April Savage



PO Box 66832
Burien, WA 98166

Like us on Facebook 


The following are the approved by-laws for the HHS Booster Club.

HHS Booster Club By-Laws